Lumbar Pain Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad
Acupressure Points for Lumbar Pain Treatment in Ahmedabad :
Acupressure can be used to alleviate symptoms of lumbar pain (lower back pain) by stimulating specific points on the body. Here are some acupressure points that can be helpful:
- Gallbladder 34 (GB34) Point: This point is located on the outer side of the leg, below the knee. Use your fingers to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes.
- Bladder 23 (BL23) Point: This point is located on the lower back, about 1.5 inches away from the spine on either side. Use your fingers to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes.
- Governing Vessel 4 (GV4) Point: This point is located in the center of the lower back, in the depression between the two bony protrusions. Use your fingers to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes.
- Bladder 40 (BL40) Point: This point is located on the back of the knee, in the crease of the knee joint. Use your fingers to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes.
- Kidney 3 (KD3) Point: This point is located on the inner ankle, just behind the anklebone. Use your fingers to apply pressure for 1-2 minutes.
It’s important to note that acupressure should not replace medical treatment for lumbar pain. If you experience chronic or severe lower back pain, consult a healthcare professional
Lumbar Pain Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad by Sujok Therapy and Acupressure Points. (सुजोक, एक्यूप्रेशर, ओरिक्युलर, इलाज, उपचार) .. (સુજોક, અક્યુપ્રેસસુરે, ઓરિક્યુલર, સારવાર) .. Alternative Healing Therapy.
“Healer Nisha” is an acupressure specialist or therapist, having pain treatment clinic in ahmedabad, doing practice as sujok acupressure doctor in ahmedabad.
Acupressure is Ahmedabad is Very Use in Pain Treatment Like :-
Sciatica – Knee – Upper & Lower Back – Muscle – Cervical – Spine – Shoulder – Neck – Head – Vertigo – Piles – Eye – Heel – Pcos / Pcod – Heel
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