Skin Diseases Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad
Acupressure Points for Skin Diseases Treatment in Ahmedabad :
Acupressure can be used as a complementary therapy for treating skin diseases by promoting blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and improving the immune system. Here are some acupressure points that may provide relief for skin diseases:
- Large Intestine 11 (LI11) Point: This point is located on the outer side of the elbow crease. Apply pressure to this point with your fingers or thumbs for 1-2 minutes. This point can help with skin conditions such as eczema.
- Large Intestine 4 (LI4) Point: This point is located on the back of the hand, in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Apply pressure to this point with your opposite thumb for 1-2 minutes. This point can help with skin conditions such as hives and itching.
- Spleen 10 (SP10) Point: This point is located on the inner thigh, about three finger widths above the knee. Apply pressure to this point with your fingers or thumbs for 1-2 minutes. This point can help with skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne.
- Bladder 57 (BL57) Point: This point is located on the calf muscle, about midway between the knee and the ankle, and slightly off the centerline towards the outside of the leg. Apply pressure to this point with your fingers or thumbs for 1-2 minutes. This point can help with skin conditions such as rashes and itching.
- Lung 9 (LU9) Point: This point is located on the wrist, on the radial side of the styloid process of the ulna bone. Apply pressure to this point with your fingers or thumbs for 1-2 minutes. This point can help with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
It’s important to note that acupressure should be used in conjunction with other treatments for skin diseases, such as topical creams or medications, and should not be used as a substitute for medical care. If you have any concerns or questions, it’s always best to consult with a licensed healthcare practitioner before trying any new therapy
Skin Diseases Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad by Sujok Therapy and Acupressure Points Treatment. (सुजोक, एक्यूप्रेशर, ओरिक्युलर, इलाज, उपचार) .. (સુજોક, અક્યુપ્રેસસુરે, ઓરિક્યુલર, સારવાર) .. Alternative Healing Therapy.
“Healer Nisha” is an acupressure specialist or therapist, having pain treatment clinic in ahmedabad, doing practice as sujok acupressure doctor in ahmedabad.
Acupressure is Ahmedabad is Very Use in Pain Treatment Like :-
Sciatica – Knee – Upper & Lower Back – Muscle – Cervical – Spine – Shoulder – Neck – Head – Vertigo – Piles – Eye – Heel – Pcos / Pcod – Heel
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