Sore Throat Treatment by Sujok Therapy
Sujok Therapy Points for Sore Throat Treatment in Ahmedabad :
Sujok therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses acupuncture points on the hands and feet to treat various health conditions. In Sujok therapy, sore throat is often associated with the throat and lung meridians.
Here are some Sujok points that are commonly used to treat sore throat:
- Throat point (LU10): This point is located on the thumb side of the wrist, in the depression between the tendons. Stimulating this point may help to relieve sore throat and improve respiratory symptoms.
- Lung point (LU7): This point is located on the wrist, on the inside of the arm, about one and a half inches above the wrist crease. Stimulating this point may help to balance the lungs and improve respiratory symptoms associated with sore throat.
- Large Intestine point (LI4): This point is located on the hand, in the web between the thumb and index finger. Stimulating this point may help to boost the immune system and relieve sore throat.
- Ear point (SJ17): This point is located on the back of the ear, in the depression just behind the earlobe. Stimulating this point may help to relieve sore throat and improve respiratory symptoms.
It is important to note that Sujok therapy should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment. It is always best to consult with a qualified healthcare provider before trying any new therapy or treatment. Additionally, sore throat can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition, so it is important to consult a healthcare provider if the condition persists or worsens
Sore Throat Treatment by Sujok Color Therapy. Sujok Acupressure is an Modern Alternative Healing Therapy.(सुजोक, एक्यूप्रेशर, ओरिक्युलर, इलाज, उपचार) .. (સુજોક, અક્યુપ્રેસસુરે, ઓરિક્યુલર, સારવાર).
Sore Throat Treatment by Sujok Acupressure is use as tips, home made remedies, natural methods, natural remedy you can use at home by natural way.
“Healer Nisha” is an Acupressure Specialist or Therapist, having Pain Treatment Clinic in Ahmedabad, doing practice as Sujok Acupressure Doctor in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
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