Acidity Treatment by Sujok Therapy
Sujok Therapy Points for Acidity Treatment in Ahmedabad :
Sujok therapy is a complementary therapy that involves stimulating certain acupressure points on the hands and feet to treat various health conditions, including acidity. Here are some common Sujok therapy points that may be used to alleviate acidity symptoms:
- Stomach point: The stomach point is located on the ring finger of both hands, just below the nail bed. Applying pressure to this point may help alleviate symptoms of acidity such as heartburn and acid reflux.
- Esophagus point: The esophagus point is located on the middle finger of both hands, just below the nail bed. Stimulating this point may help relieve symptoms of acidity such as difficulty swallowing and throat pain.
- Liver point: The liver point is located on the big toe of both feet, just below the nail bed. Stimulating this point may help improve digestion and alleviate symptoms of acidity.
- Large intestine point: The large intestine point is located on the index finger of both hands, just below the nail bed. Applying pressure to this point may help improve bowel movements and alleviate symptoms of acidity.
- Acidity point: The acidity point is located on the little finger of both hands, just below the nail bed. Stimulating this point may help regulate stomach acid production and alleviate symptoms of acidity.
It is important to remember that Sujok therapy should be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment for acidity. If you are experiencing severe acidity symptoms, it is important to consult with a medical professional to determine the best course of treatment for you
Sujok colour therapy for acidity. (सुजोक, एक्यूप्रेशर, ओरिक्युलर, इलाज, उपचार) .. (સુજોક, અક્યુપ્રેસસુરે, ઓરિક્યુલર, સારવાર) .. Alternative Healing Therapy.
“Healer Nisha” is an acupressure specialist or therapist, having pain treatment clinic in ahmedabad, doing practice as sujok acupressure doctor in ahmedabad.
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