Sunstroke Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad
Acupressure Points for Heat Sunstroke Treatment in Ahmedabad :
Heat stroke is a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention. While acupressure can be used as a complementary therapy, it should not be used as the primary treatment for heat stroke. If someone is experiencing heat stroke, they should be moved to a cooler area and given medical attention immediately.
However, acupressure may help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with heat stroke such as dizziness, headache, and nausea. Here are some acupressure points that may help:
- GV26 (Governor Vessel 26) – This point is located on the upper lip, in the center of the philtrum (the groove above the upper lip). Apply firm pressure with your finger or thumb for a few seconds.
- LI4 (Large Intestine 4) – This point is located on the back of the hand, in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Apply firm pressure with your finger or thumb for a few seconds.
- SP6 (Spleen 6) – This point is located on the inner leg, about three finger-widths above the ankle, on the back of the tibia bone. Apply firm pressure with your finger or thumb for a few seconds.
- PC6 (Pericardium 6) – This point is located on the inner forearm, about two finger-widths above the wrist crease, between the two tendons. Apply firm pressure with your finger or thumb for a few seconds.
It’s important to remember that acupressure should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment. If someone is experiencing heat stroke, they should receive immediate medical attention to prevent serious complications
Sunstroke Alternative Treatment in Ahmedabad by Sujok Therapy and Acupressure Points Treatment. (सुजोक, एक्यूप्रेशर, ओरिक्युलर, इलाज, उपचार) .. (સુજોક, અક્યુપ્રેસસુરે, ઓરિક્યુલર, સારવાર) .. Alternative Healing Therapy.
“Healer Nisha” is an acupressure specialist or therapist, having pain treatment clinic in ahmedabad, doing practice as sujok acupressure doctor in ahmedabad.
Acupressure is Ahmedabad is Very Use in Pain Treatment Like :-
Sciatica – Knee – Upper & Lower Back – Muscle – Cervical – Spine – Shoulder – Neck – Head – Vertigo – Piles – Eye – Heel – Pcos / Pcod – Heel
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